
National Multisector Plan for Aging Symposium

2 min
March 27 - March 28, 2023

Key Insights from the MPA Symposium and Highlighted Session:

Big challenges require big, and even bolder solutions. Multisector plans for aging are that kind of solution. If we are successful, we will ensure older adults and their families—no matter their zip code—have access to the care and support they need to successfully age in place with independence, quality of life and dignity.”—Shelley Lyford, CEO, West Health  

A Multisector Plan for Aging (MPA) is a state-led strategic planning resource that can help states transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for their rapidly aging population, as well as people with disabilities. The MPA has leadership authorization  through a governor’s executive order or legislation. Angela Smith-Dieng of Vermont spoke about their state’s MPA efforts guided by legislation, which is less common.

  • Each state develops its own MPA based on the unique characteristics, history, politics, and range of existing aging and disability initiatives. Michelle Gayette of North Dakota spoke with Rani Snyder from The John A. Hartford Foundation about the steps they used to develop a guiding MPA framework. Stephanie Hooper of Oregon and Shelley Lyford discussed their efforts to make a comprehensive plan for aging an election issue in gubernatorial elections in Oregon and California, respectively. 
  • States should identify measures for tracking progress. A transparent data dashboard helps track progress and identify gaps. Kara Harvey of Colorado shared insights into her state’s efforts to identify a number of data measures important for the plan’s priorities and create a publicly accessible data dashboard. 

It is critical for the MPA to be informed by a range of diverse stakeholder voices, including people of all ages, abilities, and disabilities; races and ethnicities; caregivers; providers; people in rural and urban communities; and more. Rigo Saborio of The SCAN Foundation moderated a panel with Denny Chan of Justice in Aging, Carolyn Nava of the Disability Action Center, and Norell Wheeler, an ASA Rise Fellow, discussing California’s efforts to ensure equity was “baked in” to the MPA rather than “sprinkled on top.”  Reena Shetty of Minnesota explained how the MPA is bringing together a range of age-friendly initiatives in the state, informed by a variety of stakeholders.

There is significant momentum nationwide for MPAs. More than half of all states are implementing or planning to implement comprehensive MPA activities.  


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