Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)

Expand the availability of PACE throughout the country to improve care, reduce costs, and lower the rate of emergency room visits among vulnerable older adults.
Continue to serve medically-complex and vulnerable seniors through the Gary and Mary West PACE in North County San Diego.
Create tools that help regions establish PACE programs including PACE 2.0 and the Fast PACE Start-Up and Expansion Guide.
Continually improve the quality of care, increase access, and accelerate the growth of PACE.
Fast PACE Start-Up and Expansion Guide and PACE 2.0

Factors such as staffing, financial planning, legal and regulatory considerations, location selection, building design, participant recruitment, and program development all must be addressed. West Health has developed a comprehensive online resource hub for those looking for help. The website compiles, organizes, and directs users to existing resources and fills in gaps where resources did not previously exist.
The PACE 2.0 Initiative seeks to accelerate the adoption of PACE throughout the country. PACE 2.0 seeks to increase the number of older adults and those with disabilities served by PACE to 200,000 by 2028. To meet this goal, PACE 2.0 identified strategies to increase the spread, scale, and scope of PACE.
Our goal, privilege, and responsibility is to help vulnerable seniors live as independently as possible for as long as possible in their own homes, while also providing much-needed support to family caregivers.
Shelley Lyford
CEO & Chair, Gary and Mary West Foundation
CEO & Chair, West Health Institute
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