GED Atlas
The GED Movement Has Been Spreading Rapidly Across the Country
GEDs tailor care for older adults in the ED with the goal of reducing harm and improving health. Since the American College of Emergency Physicians established the GED accreditation program in 2018, over 450 EDs have become accredited, providing specialized care for older adults across the nation. This map shows the growth of GEDs over time from 2018-2023. Select the drop-down menu to navigate different time periods.
Many EDs in Areas with Large Older Adult Populations Sought Accreditation
To date, GEDs are primarily located in areas with large older adult populations. The result is that 23.9 million–almost one-third–of all older adults in the U.S. have access to GED services. This heatmap highlights the geographic distribution of older adults along with the location of accredited GEDs. Warmer colors represent larger older adult populations.