News Exclusive: Policy White Paper Explores Successful Aging at Home

< 1 min
August 12, 2016
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dhealth_Policy_RecomendationsNearly 90% of Americans prefer to age at home, yet barriers, such as antiquated reimbursement and licensing policies, prevent Americans from realizing this goal. To address this political “blind spot,” the d.Health Summit assembled health, technology, finance and policy leaders including West Health chief executive Shelley Lyford to discuss today’s best ideas, form tomorrow’s partnerships, and launch the care models of the future.

“The system for seniors is in need of a makeover as we face the largest demographicshift in American history — the aging of Americam” said Shelley Lyford, West Health’s chief executive. “This offers us a great opportunity to create a better and more responsive system of healthcare and supportive services.”
The 2016 Policy Report provides policy recommendations based on what was an exciting day of discussion and collaborative thinking. Click here to read this informative white paper.