Public Statements

West Health Submits Comments to Federal Trade Commission on RFI Docket No. ATR 102

< 1 min
May 1, 2024
West Health helps shapes healthcare policy by submitting comments to government agencies, advocating for patient-centric approaches amidst concerns of healthcare consolidation.

On May 1, 2024, West Health submitted comments to The United States Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Department of Health and Human Services on FRI Docket No. ATR 102 sharing the possible effects of health care consolidation practices on patients’ health, quality of care, and affordability for consumers and taxpayers. West Health hopes its comments will help inform the agencies’ identification of enforcement priorities and future action, including new regulations and reimbursement methodologies, aimed at promoting and protecting competition in healthcare markets and ensuring appropriate access to quality, affordable health care goods and services.

WH RFI HC Consolidation May 2024 clean letterhead thumbnail image
Timothy Lash
President, Gary and Mary West Foundation
President, West Health Institute
President & Chair, West Health Policy Center