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Share Your Insights: Influence the National Plan on Aging

We Need You!

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Please share your feedback on the Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging by September 15, 2024. Thank you!

  • Click here if you are an individual or older adult.
  • Click here if you represent an organization.
Guiding the development of a National Plan on Aging

The Interagency Coordinating Committee on Healthy Aging and Age-Friendly Communities (ICC) is leading the charge to develop a National Plan on Aging. Authorized by the Older Americans Act (OAA) and first funded in fiscal year 2023, the ICC is charged with fostering federal interagency collaboration to develop a national set of recommendations on key aging issues. The first step in developing the National Plan on Aging is creating a strategic framework. The four domains of the strategic framework are: Age-Friendly Communities; Coordinated Housing and Support Services; Increased Access to Long-Term Services and Supports; and Aligned Health Care and Supportive Services.  Read more about the “Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging” in English and Spanish.

The ICC is committed to ensuring that the perspectives of community members, including older adults in the greatest economic and greatest social need, inform the direction of a national plan on aging and similar efforts. The ICC is working in partnership with the National Plan on Aging Community Engagement Collaborative, which consists of West Health, The SCAN Foundation, and The John A. Hartford Foundation, to elevate the voices of older individuals and community partners and to build upon momentum for coordinated efforts to support healthy aging at the global, federal, and state levels. 

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