Issue Brief

Opinion Poll: Florida Voters Want Action on the High Price of Prescription Drugs

< 1 min
October 02, 2018
Florida Voters Demand Congressional Action on Prescription Drug Pricing, New Poll Reveals

An opinion poll indicates that Florida voters are deeply concerned about the high costs of prescription drugs. This concern surpasses other national issues like immigration, jobs, and the economy, with 55% of Floridians identifying healthcare costs as the most critical issue facing the country. Notably, a staggering 81% of respondents are troubled by prescription drug prices. The poll, conducted by the West Health Institute, surveyed 750 voters and found broad dissatisfaction across political lines with the current handling of drug costs by both President Trump and Congress.

Voters expressed strong support for policy changes that could address these high costs. An overwhelming majority of 87% believe it’s important for congressional candidates to back Medicare’s ability to negotiate directly with drug companies to reduce prices. This sentiment is strongly bipartisan, with significant support from Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike. Furthermore, about 74% of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for candidates who commit to such negotiation policies, highlighting the potential electoral impact of this issue.

The high cost of prescription drugs not only influences voter sentiment but also has a tangible effect on behavior, with more than a third of respondents admitting they had not followed prescription instructions because of cost concerns. This includes not filling prescriptions or taking less than the prescribed amount, which can significantly undermine individual health and wellbeing. These findings underscore the urgent public demand for political action on drug pricing, making it a pivotal issue in upcoming elections.